Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Thrale's Russian Imperial Stout

Historical Background Note for Volume 1, Chapter 2: The Thrale’s Russian Imperial Stout beer mentioned in regards to Magnetron's initiation ritual may be an anachronism, as Henry Thrale’s Anchor Brewery was sold after his death to Barclay’s of banking fame.  Regrettably, the author’s research failed to determine when the name of this historic brew was changed, as eventually came to pass.  Also, some beer historians are skeptical that the designation “Russian Imperial Stout” was used before 1900. In the end, the lyrical quality of "Thrale’s Russian Imperial Stout" was deemed too alluring to resist and survived an otherwise ruthless editing session.

Read more about Thrale’s, the Anchor Brewery and Russian imperial stouts at:
Note: The oft-repeated story of the Czar's original order of porter arriving in St. Petersburg spoiled, prompting the brewery to crank up the alcohol content as a preservative measure, is believed by some beer historians to be inaccurate.

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